Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Three Bears

ONCE UPON A TIME, there were three little bears, a mama bear, a papa bear, and a baby bear. These bears lived in a house in the woods, which is very unusual for bears.
One day Mama Bear was making porridge for breakfast, but the porridge was too hot. The bears decided to go for a walk.

While they were out, a little girl with long golden curls came to the door of their house and knocked. Her name was Goldilocks. She knocked and knocked, but no one answered. Goldilocks was lost and tired and very hungry.

Finally, she opened the door and peeked inside. “Hello?” she said, but no one answered. Goldilocks went into the dining room, where she found three bowls of porridge on the table.

She tasted Papa Bear's porridge, but it was too hot. She tasted Mama Bear's porridge, but it was too cold. She tasted Baby Bear's porridge, and it was just right! So, she ate it all up.

Then she decided to sit down in the living room and read a magazine. First she sat in Papa Bear's chair, but it was too hard. Then she sat in Mama Bear's chair, but it was too soft. Finally, she sat in Baby Bear's chair, and it was just right! She started reading her magazine, but then Baby Bear's chair broke—CRACK—into a million billion trillion pieces!

Goldilocks was very tired now, so she went upstairs to look for a bed to lie down in. First she tried Papa Bear's bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in Mama Bear's bed, but it was too soft. Finally, she lay in Baby Bear's bed, and it was just right! She fell fast asleep.

A little while later, the three bears came home from their walk. They went into the dining room and sat down to eat their breakfast.

“Somebody's been eating my porridge,” said Papa Bear.

“Somebody's been eating my porridge,” said Mama Bear. “And somebody's been eating my porridge,” said Baby Bear. “And they ate it all up. Boo hoo!”

The Bear family went into the living room to discuss what should be done.

“Somebody's been sitting in my chair,” said Papa Bear.

“Somebody's been sitting in my chair,” said Mama Bear.

“Somebody's been sitting in my chair, too,” said Baby Bear. “And they broke it into a million billion trillion pieces. Boo hoo!”

By now the Bear family was quite upset. They went upstairs to check the rest of the house.

“Somebody's been sleeping in my bed,” said Papa Bear.

“Somebody's been sleeping in my bed,” said Mama Bear.

“Somebody's been sleeping in my bed,” said Baby Bear. “And there she is!”

“GROWL!” said all the bears.

Goldilocks woke up with a start, and the bears chased her all around the house, until everyone was quite exhausted.

Goldilocks explained that she was lost and hungry and that she was very, very sorry. Baby Bear was still very upset.

Finally, they all came up with an answer. Goldilocks helped Papa Bear fix the chair. She helped Mama Bear cook more porridge And she taught Baby Bear how to make his bed. Then Goldilocks washed up all the dishes, and the bears told her how to get home from the forest.

And they all lived happily ever after.
—The End—
Presented by Rizka (grade XI/ 2011-2012)

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